What's for breakfast?
I love breakfast. I could eat it all day long. 2nd breakfast? Sure When we were growing up, we ate eggs almost everyday. 1 poached egg on...

A white Doula's view of Black Maternal Health Week
Why start a convo about how Black Women in the United States are more likely to die from pregnancy related complications? Why would I, a...

First time looking for a babysitter ?
After you have a baby, it may seem like you will never have alone time with your spouse again. But fast forward a few months and you are...
Help, New Baby In the House!
How will I know what to do and when? I am breastfeeding, how much is enough? What do I do if my milk is not in yet? Will my baby starve?...

Starting Fresh
You know how sometimes change can be scary? New places, new people, new everything? For instance, moving across the country to start over...